Não importa como esteja vestido, ou até mesmo disfarçado, ou ainda atrás das câmeras servindo como produtor e eventual assistente de direção - no que André Campos Mesquita é mestre mesmo é certamente com as palavras: seja como tradutor, para a coleção da editora Escala sobre filosofia; autor teatral, pontuando algumas peças para o núcleo da escola Célia Helena; escritor, dando vida a uma recente biografia de Charles Darwin; ou especialmente como roteirista, que o reuniu ao lado do diretor Emanuel Mendes, com quem escreveu dois trabalhos: o primeiro, "Amarar" (2008), cuja polêmica para a seleção neste festival ficou restrita aos contornos de uma troca de emails, culminando na rejeição ao filme e consequentemente a não-participação no evento, e o segundo, "É Quase Verdade", no qual o roteiro foi literalmente concebido em uma mesa de bar. "Não sabemos como exatamente aconteceu", conta André. "Mas o fato é que, semelhante ao "Amarar", cujas primeiras versões do roteiro não levavam a lugar nenhum, os esboços para o que viria a ser a versão oficial do "É Quase Verdade" nasceram do acaso." Ou, como complementa o roteirista, "da ajuda de um sapo." "É que estávamos no tal bar rabiscando coisas em guardanapos (mais clássico impossível), até que me dirigi ao banheiro do estabelecimento, levado pela curiosidade que o Emanuel me despertou ao mencionar um sapo verde como enfeite de barro na porta de entrada do toalete. Não sei explicar muito bem, mas acho que houve alguma comunicação extra-sensorial, proto-metafísica e urucubaca excomungante no negócio, porque quando voltei, as ideias brotaram num jorro de revelação a tal ponto que o único trabalho que tivemos depois disso foi reuni-las narrativamente a fim de formar o que foi filmado. E que foi o que o Emanuel fez minutos depois de nos despedirmos no bar." Como se vê, não são apenas palavras que unem o trabalho destes dois: condições extra-sensoriais, proto-metafísicas e esconjurantes de situações embaraçosas ou atabalhoadas também são bastante comuns.
It doesn´t really matter the way he is dressed, or even disguised, or acting out behind the camera as a producer or sometimes as assistant director - the area in which André Campos Mesquita is a master is certainly the written words: either as a translator, for the collection about philosophy thinkers at Editora Escala; as a theater author, punctuating some plays for the Célia Helena Theater School, as a writer, giving life to the recent biography on Charles Darwin, or especially as a scriptwriter, which brought him together with director Emanuel Mendes on two short film works: "Amarar" (2008, commonly known as "Wave" in international title), whose polemic in this festival was restricted to email exchange culminating at the rejection of the movie by the very same festival, and of course "It´s Almost True", whose script was conceived at the table of a bar. "We don´t really know how it happened", says André. "But similar to "Amarar", whose first script versions wouldn´t really say anything to the viewer, the drafts for what would eventually be the final version of "It´s Almost True" were born by chance." Or, like the author says, "from the help of a toad." "This is because we were at the bar scribbling some notes on a napkin (the classic way!), and when I went to the bathroom taken by curiosity on Emanuel´s comment about a clay toad sculpture decorating the toilet entrance, I think there was some kind of extra sensorial, or metaphysical connection between us, because when I got back the ideas sprouted as a revelation that the only hard work we eventually had afterwards was to reunite them together in a concise and funny screenplay that would eventually be filmed. And it was what Emanuel did minutes later after we said good-bye at the bar." As one can see, it´s not only words that bond the two friends together: extra sensorial and metaphysical conditions are also very common.
Este post é totalmente verdade. This is a totally true post.
It doesn´t really matter the way he is dressed, or even disguised, or acting out behind the camera as a producer or sometimes as assistant director - the area in which André Campos Mesquita is a master is certainly the written words: either as a translator, for the collection about philosophy thinkers at Editora Escala; as a theater author, punctuating some plays for the Célia Helena Theater School, as a writer, giving life to the recent biography on Charles Darwin, or especially as a scriptwriter, which brought him together with director Emanuel Mendes on two short film works: "Amarar" (2008, commonly known as "Wave" in international title), whose polemic in this festival was restricted to email exchange culminating at the rejection of the movie by the very same festival, and of course "It´s Almost True", whose script was conceived at the table of a bar. "We don´t really know how it happened", says André. "But similar to "Amarar", whose first script versions wouldn´t really say anything to the viewer, the drafts for what would eventually be the final version of "It´s Almost True" were born by chance." Or, like the author says, "from the help of a toad." "This is because we were at the bar scribbling some notes on a napkin (the classic way!), and when I went to the bathroom taken by curiosity on Emanuel´s comment about a clay toad sculpture decorating the toilet entrance, I think there was some kind of extra sensorial, or metaphysical connection between us, because when I got back the ideas sprouted as a revelation that the only hard work we eventually had afterwards was to reunite them together in a concise and funny screenplay that would eventually be filmed. And it was what Emanuel did minutes later after we said good-bye at the bar." As one can see, it´s not only words that bond the two friends together: extra sensorial and metaphysical conditions are also very common.
Este post é totalmente verdade. This is a totally true post.